Cell Phone Detection – A new skill for K9 dogs
Cell phones are fast becoming the hottest contraband inside of Prisons. They are difficult to track because of their size, they’re being easily smuggled in.
Inmates use them for anything from running criminal operations on the outside to planning escapes, or even worse.
But, as every item has a unique scent and dogs possess more than 250 million olfactory receptors in a nasal area 50 times larger than ours, Dogs have become the latest tool for sniffing out cell phones in prison.
At K9 Security Ireland, we are now training Dogs for prison cell phone detection. Dogs are trained exclusively to detect cell phones.
Inmates use them for anything from running criminal operations on the outside to planning escapes, or even worse.
But, as every item has a unique scent and dogs possess more than 250 million olfactory receptors in a nasal area 50 times larger than ours, Dogs have become the latest tool for sniffing out cell phones in prison.
At K9 Security Ireland, we are now training Dogs for prison cell phone detection. Dogs are trained exclusively to detect cell phones.
Discover More Services
Detection ServiceExpert detection dog teams for event and venue security, including airports, stadiums, and public gatherings.
Security ServiceHighly effective, cost-efficient solution for 24-hour security, perimeter checks, event security, and VIP protection, detecting intruders from 1000 meters
Explosive DetectionHighly trained explosive detection dogs to ensure safety at events and venues.
Narcotic DetectionDetection K9 Teams are trained to locate hidden drugs, including marijuana, cocaine, methamphetamine, and more.
Reach out to us—we’re happy to assist with any inquiries about our services.
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(00353) 87 2384668
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(00353) 87 2384668